Sunday, 19 April 2009

West Cornwall Chough Watch

I am involved in the monitoring of a Chough nest site in West Cornwall, in the hope that they will establish and become a permanent addition to our local bird species.Last year they bred in this area for the first time in One Hundred and Fifty years.The pictures I take I give to a kids club called the Chough club that is run by a local teacher.The first photo is one of the breeding choughs. Click on the picture to enlarge

Gannet diving for fish (heavily cropped)

Pied Wagtail


Maw and Paw Jackdaw


  1. Super photos! I especially like the Pied Wagtail photo. Perfect against the darker background. I have never seen a Jackdaw before. Nice photo of them also.

  2. Nice shots. I love the Gannet shot. Tried to get some of them in flight myself last weekend, but I was not close enough.

  3. I so hope the nesting project is successful. Here's to the choughs!

  4. beautiful images and i like your blog. layout and content is just superb.
    - St Austell
