Thursday 8 April 2010

St Gothian Sands 8th April 2010

Today is what I would call the first day of spring, glorious weather. I arrived at Gwithian around 5.30 pm and had a chat with Tim Twiggs , who patch watches the area regularly. The sand Martins where around but not in the numbers I normally expect, but that was about to change.I caught up with the Green Sandpiper and captured what images I could, and as the evening progressed the Sand Martins numbers increased significantly.


  1. Lovely flight shots! I think spring has arrived here as well. But with it comes the fierce winds. It blew so hard yesterday the dirt was just billowing down the street in front of our house (we have gravel streets in this little town), and I brought in all my bird feeders. It's going to blow today too.

  2. Well, I wanna say some thing about your blog. It is... AWESOME! :-)
