I went shopping with Lisa today and soon became stir crazy, so at 2.00pm I had a little diversion to
Gwithian/ St
Gothian Sands and that was the right decision. As soon as I arrived I noticed a dozen Swallows quickly noting one with different markings. Once I got the binoculars on it I recognised it as a Red Rumped Swallow and armed only with the Nikon
Coolpix I set about nailing a photograph. A phone call to John Swan and Steve Rogers was enough to alert a few local birders and it was seen again at
The Red-rumped Swallow (
Cecropis daurica) is a small
passerine bird in the
swallow family. It breeds in open hilly country of temperate southern
Europe and Asia from
Portugal and
Spain to
India and tropical
Africa. The Indian and African birds are resident, but European and other Asian birds are
migratory. They winter in Africa or
India and are vagrants to
Christmas Island and northern
Red-rumped Swallows are somewhat similar in habits and appearance to the other aerial
insectivores, such as the related swallows and the unrelated
swifts (order
Apodiformes). They have blue
upperparts and dusky underparts.
They resemble
Barn Swallows, but are darker below and have pale or reddish rumps, face and neck collar. They lack a breast band, but have black
undertails. They are fast fliers and they swoop on
insects while airborne. They have broad but pointed wings.
Red-rumped Swallows build quarter-sphere nests with a tunnel entrance lined with mud collected in their beaks, and lay 3 to 6 eggs. They normally nest under cliff overhangs in their mountain homes, but will readily adapt to buildings such as mosques and bridges.
They do not normally form large breeding colonies, but are gregarious outside the breeding season. Many hundreds can be seen at a time on the plains of India. This passage was Referenced from

The two superb images below of a Black Tail
Godwit in full summer plumage were taken by John Swan, so thank you indeed John for allowing me to post them on the blog. The equipment used was a Panasonic
Lumix. All the images on this post captured by compact cameras.