Yesterday I went to Kenidjack valley in the hope of finding a few butterflies, the afternoon was hot and the wrong time of day as in the heat butterflies do not hang around. High numbers of Orange tip, Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary and common blues butterflies were around but really difficult to pin down. Small copper, Spotted Wood and the whites were also there but I did not get a good enough shots of these to post.
Tonight we did a moorland walk, and to my surprise we found a pair of Dunlin feeding around some brackish water, could it be a breeding pair?This would be verry unusual as they generally breed much further North. Images taken with a Nikon Coolpix 7000
Sam and Lisa are keen photographers with a particular interest in birds and wildlife in Cornwall. We have always been interested in photography but the improvements to digital cameras have renewed our interest. We hope you will enjoy viewing our photo blog!
Our equipment is as follows: I shoot with a Nikon D300 and D800e Camera and my lenses are a 300mm F/2.8 VR, 2.0 x Nikon Teleconverter,300 to 800mm Sigma Zoom and an 18 -200mm Nikon Zoom. Lisa has a Nikon D90 with HD Video capabilities and the 18-105mm Nikon Zoom. She also commandeers my lenses when needed! I shoot always in RAW format....
Eilat workshop and a bonus
On Monday I joined an international workshop taking place now in Eilat,
Guradians of the Flyway. Expertly organised by Noam and his team from Eilat
Humpback Whales on the Cornish coast 2025
Wow! What a day at sea we had today!
It was our regular seal and marine life survey with the Cornwall Seal Group
Research Trust and it was common know...
Seawatching highlights during 2023
SEAWATCHING in Cornwall is my main interest in birding, mainly because the
county lends itself perfectly to an incredible passage of seabirds and a
its ...
Storm Ciara at Porthleven
With all the media hype you would expect to see a storm of epic, earth
shattering proportions!!! Luckily I checked the swell charts which
forecast a bigge...
*Have not posted anything for many months so I will try to do a lot more
this year, Went down to a local patch yesterday and managed to get a shot
of a ver...
Green Woodpeckers
This Summer I spent some time photographing a family of Green Woodpeckers.
The adults had three young that they were busy feeding on their main diet
of an...
Premières photos de 2018...
Voici mes premières photos de l'année 2018, toutes captées au refuge
faunique Marguerite-D'Youville, ce matin.
Le très populaire Pic à tête rouge. Un oisea...
Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of
Sri Lanka
Very honoured and extremely pleased to be featured with several images in
this new publication by Geh...
Record arrival of early YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS
Record breaking numbers of YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS in UK
Not only are these birds exceptionally early but today saw record numbers
of this Siberian sprite...
Duke of Burgundy Butterflys
First post for a while but I have been out and about when both weather and
work permits. These are a few of my images of some Duke of Burgundy
Success at Last
On Saturday, April 30, 2016, we were trucking along a backroad - on either
side there was a lot of water in the fields - I almost missed them as it
was the...
Purple Emperor. Bentley Wood.04/07/2015
Travelled from Cornwall to Bentley Wood which straddles Hampshire and
Wiltshire in search of the enigmatic Purple Emperor butterfly. We were very
RSPB's Marshside reserve gets new lease of life
After 20 years of successful partnership with Sefton Council, the RSPB is
celebrating a new 99-year lease of the RSPB’s Marshside reserve, in
Merseyside. T...
Scotland Trip 2014
Here are a few images from my week in the Cairngorms back in May. I haven't
properly sorted and edited all the images yet so I will post any additional
Gull Watching in Mount's Bay - Part 2!
It was nice to wake up to a beautiful crisp morning with the sun shining
and a clear blue sky. I guess that it was inevitable that we would end up
down w...
New Windmill Farm blog.
Here's the new blog, created by Dougy, the warden: